Jade Desires

TKL Admin and Resident Dominatrix

Jade Desires

Welcome fellow kinky explorers.

My name is Jade Desires. I am a professional Dominatrix and lifestyle kinkster. In the world of kink, I identify as a sensual, top-leaning sensual/sadomasochistic switch (I know…that’s a mouthful ;). Not only that, and for the purposes of being a resource on relationships in this space, but I also identify as pansexual and ethically non-monogamous. 

I have been exploring kink for roughly 13 years and ethical non-monogamy for about 15. My partner and I have explored different forms of open relationships over the years (swinging, poly, etc.) and dealt with the challenges of navigating the emotional and practical aspects of being open. Amidst our explorations in ENM, we also started exploring the wonderful world of kink which ultimately led me to pursuing a career as a full-time professional Dominatrix which I have been doing for the last 7 years.

Needless to say, I have had a significant amount of experience and been witness to a gamut of kinky, relational, and relationally kinky experiences involving others that has given me a wide and unique perspective on the depth and breadth of various forms of intimacy as well as a considerable number of activities involved therein. I am hoping my experiences, observations, desire to educate, connect, and learn from others may provide you with helpful guidance and perspective in your own journey.

Care to learn more…click here (link to my musings)
You can also find me on:

Twitter: Twitter

Instagram: Twitter

Website: www.jadedesires.com